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Python Scripting API - Reference


Use of the API is an advanced feature and should only be used by users with a working knowledge of both Tribli and the Python scripting language. In rare cases, use of the API may lead to corruption of the project data, so be sure to save any work prior to use. Operations completed through the scripting API cannot be undone.


The Tribli scripting API was completely rewritten in Tribli version 5.5.0. As such, this documentation is applicable only to Tribli versions 5.5.0 and later.

API Reference

Class app_proxy()

A singleton class that can be accessed via the app global variable made available within the scripting environment's top level namespace. This class represents the base Tribli application and provides attributes and methods that allow for communication with the Tribli application. All other proxy instances must be accessed via the attributes made available in the app_proxy singleton.


  • model: model_proxy (READ-ONLY) - Provides access to the model_proxy singleton to access the currently loaded Tribli model.


  • new_model(no_levels: int) - Start a new Tribli model with no_levels blank levels. New models must be initiated with at least two levels.
  • open_model(filepath: str) - Open a Tribli '.scrape' file located at path filepath.
  • save_model(filepath: str) - Save the currently loaded Tribli model to the '.scrape' file located at path filepath.
  • open_pdf(filepath: str, scale: int) - Open a PDF file located at path filepath with scale of 1:scale.
  • get_latest_warnings() - Get a list of the warnings generated during the last API operation.
  • get_open_filepath(window_title: str, formats: str) - Opens a file selection dialog that allows the user to select an existing file from the user's file system. window_title is the window description to be displayed at the top of the dialog. formats is a string containing the acceptable file formats, for example the string "Images (.png .jpg);;Text files (.txt);;XML files (.xml)" would allow the user to select PNG and JPG images, text files and xml files. A string is returned containing the selected file path, or None if no file path was selected.
  • get_save_filepath(window_title: str, formats: str") - Opens a file selection dialog that allows the user to select a file path to which a file can be saved. Arguments are as per get_open_filepath. A string is returned containing the file path, or None if no file path was input.

Class model_proxy()

A singleton class that can be accessed via the model attribute of the app_proxy singleton. This class represents the base Tribli model and provides attributes and methods that allow for interaction with the Tribli model.


  • app: app_proxy (READ-ONLY) - Provides access to the parent app_proxy singleton to access the current Tribli application.
  • levels: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of level_proxy objects providing access to all of the levels defined within the current model. The list is ordered from lowest level to highest.
  • base_rl: float (READ-ONLY) - The RL of the base of the current model in metres. Use the set_base_rl method to set the base RL.


  • set_base_rl(base_rl: float) - Sets the base RL of the model in metres. All level RL's are calculated from this value.

  • calculate_transfer_ratios_for_all_beams() - Calculates transfer ratios for all transfer beams using the Tribli FEA solver.

  • design_check_all_columns() - Performs design checks on all columns defined in the model.

  • optimise_all_columns() - Optimises all columns defined in the model.

  • design_check_all_walls() - Performs design checks on all walls defined in the model.

  • optimise_all_walls() - Optimises all walls defined in the model.

  • design_check_all_pad_footings() - Performs design checks on all pad footings defined in the model.

  • optimise_all_pad_footings() - Optimises all pad footings defined in the model.

  • check_fire() - Checks all columns and walls for fire.

  • check_column_transitions() - Check column stress transitions through slabs.

  • check_punching_shear() - Check punching shear at all columns

  • generate_chains() - Automatically generate column and walls chains

  • generate_tributary_areas() - Regenerates tributary areas at all levels.

  • calculate_loads() - Recalculates all columns and wall loads.

  • export_load_tables(filepath: str) - Exports load tables to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_load_schedule(filepath: str) - Exports load schedule to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_column_rundown_v3(filepath: str) - Exports v3 load rundown to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_column_rundown_v4(filepath: str) - Exports v4 load rundown to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_E2k(filepath: str) - Exports an Etabs E2K text file to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .e2k.

  • export_column_base_loads(filepath: str) - Exports column base loads to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_column_schedule(filepath: str) - Exports column schedule to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

  • export_pad_footing_designs(filepath: str) - Exports pad footing schedule to the provided filepath. Provided filename must be of format .xlsx.

Class level_proxy()

A class representing a single level in the Tribli model. Levels are typically accessed via the levels attribute of the model_proxy object.


  • model: model_proxy (READ-ONLY) - Provides access to the model_proxy singleton to access the currently loaded Tribli model.
  • height: float - The height between this level and the level below in metres
  • name: str - The name of the level
  • RL: float (READ-ONLY) - The RL of level. This property is read-only as it is calculated from the base_rl: float of the model and the height of all levels below the current level.
  • columns: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the columns defined at this level.
  • walls: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the walls defined at this level.
  • pad_footings: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the pad footings defined at this level.
  • raft_footings: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the raft footings defined at this level.
  • strip_footings: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the strip footings defined at this level.
  • slabs: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the slabs defined at this level.
  • voids: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the voids defined at this level.
  • area_loads: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the area loads defined at this level.
  • line_loads: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the line loads defined at this level.
  • transfer_plates: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the transfer plates defined at this level.
  • transfer_beams: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the transfer beams defined at this level.
  • triblines: list (READ-ONLY) - A list of the triblines defined at this level.


  • add_column(geom: shapely.geometry.Point) - Adds a new column below this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Point. Returns a new column_proxy object representing the new column.
  • add_wall(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Adds a new wall below this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.LineString defined by exactly two points. Returns a new wall_proxy object representing the new wall.
  • add_slab(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Adds a new slab at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, and the polygon should have no 'interiors' defined. Returns a new slab_proxy object representing the new slab.
  • add_void(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Adds a new void at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, and the polygon should have no 'interiors' defined. Returns a new void_proxy object representing the new void.
  • add_raft(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Adds a new raft footing at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon. Returns a new raft_proxy object representing the new raft.
  • add_area_load(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Adds a new area load at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, and the polygon should have no 'interiors' defined. Returns a new area_load_proxy object representing the new area load.
  • add_line_load(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Adds a new line load at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.LineString. Returns a new line_load_proxy object representing the new line load.
  • add_transfer_plate(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Adds a new transfer plate at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, and the polygon should have no 'interiors' defined. Returns a new transfer_plate_proxy object representing the new transfer.
  • add_transfer_beam(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Adds a new transfer beam at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.LineString defined by exactly two points. Returns a new transfer_beam_proxy object representing the new transfer.
  • add_tribline(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Adds a new tribline at this level. The geom parameter should be of type shapely.geometry.LineString. Returns a new tribline_proxy object representing the new tribline.
  • generate_tributary_areas() - Regenerates tributary areas at this level.

Class column_proxy()

A class representing a column within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • shear_throw: float - shear throw defined for this object.
  • include_in_tribs: bool - does this object have a tributary area?
  • angle: float - rotation of the column about its vertical axis in degrees.
  • k: float - effective length factor.
  • FRL: int - required FRL of the object in minutes. Must be 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 or 240 minutes.
  • slab_restraint: int - an integer indicating the restraint condition of the slab at the top of this column, used for slab transition checks. Restraint codes are as follows: "Auto":0, "Interior":1, "Edge":2, "Corner":3, "None":4.
  • bottom_slab_restraint: int - an integer indicating the restraint condition of the slab at the bottom of this column, used for slab transition checks. Restraint codes are as follows: "Auto":0, "Interior":1, "Edge":2, "Corner":3, "None":4.
  • extra_dead_load: float - Additional dead load to be applied at this column in kN
  • extra_live_load: float - Additional live load to be applied at this column in kN
  • ex: float - load eccentricity in x axis in mm
  • ey: float - load eccentricity in y axis in mm
  • Mx: float - column moment about x axis in kNm
  • My: float - column moment about y axis in kNm
  • Bm: float - ration of moments between the top and bottom of the column (M1/M2)
  • trib: shapely.geometry.Polygon (READ-ONLY) - A geometry representing the tributary area of this column. A shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon object is also a valid tributary area and the polygons may have interior LinearRings defined.
  • chain_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the chain to which this columns belongs
  • type_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the type defined for this column, otherwise "Custom" if no type is defined


The following parameters can be used to extract the results of load calculations and design operations. Results should be extracted immediately after performing the relevant calculation or design task as many operations within Tribli will cause design loadings and analysis results to be reset to zero. Similarly, design operations should be conducted immediately following load calculation to avoid the risk of the load results being zeroed out prior to design.

  • utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - structural utilisation of the column. Only available after the column has been design checked.
  • detailing_ok: bool (READ-ONLY) - is the column detailed correctly? Only available after the column has been design checked.
  • punching_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - punching shear utilisation of the slab at the top of the column. Only available after a punching shear analysis has been undertaken.
  • top_transition_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - slab transition utilisation of the slab at the top of the column. Only available after a column transition analysis has been completed.
  • bottom_transition_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - slab transition utilisation of the slab at the bottom of the column. Only available after a column transition analysis has been completed.
  • fire_utilisation: str (READ-ONLY) - description of the results of the fire check. Only available after fire check has been completed.
  • fire_ok: bool (READ-ONLY) - whether the column passed fire checks. Only available after fire check has been completed.

Type Parameters

The following parameters can only be modified if the column has no type defined. An exception will be thrown if attempting to modify type parameters of a typed column.

  • D: int (TYPE-PARAM)- depth or diameter of the column in mm
  • B: int (TYPE-PARAM)- breadth of the column in mm. This attribute is unused if the column is circular
  • rect: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- indicate whether the column is rectangular. If the column is not rectangular it is considered to be circular
  • fc: float (TYPE-PARAM)- characteristic strength of the column concrete in MPa
  • reo_ratio: float (TYPE-PARAM)- target reinforcement ration of the column
  • cover: int (TYPE-PARAM)- cover to fitments in mm
  • is_precast: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- whether this column is precast
  • check_as_wall: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- whether this column is to be check as a wall according to section 11 of AS3600
  • allow_mesh: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- is mesh reinforcing allowed?
  • target_aspect: float (TYPE-PARAM)- target D/B ratio for column optimisation
  • use_reo_ratio: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- whether to estimate reinforcement using the provided reinforcement ratio, or use the manually defined reinforcement
  • no_topbars: int (TYPE-PARAM)- number of reinforcing bars in the top and bottom faces of the column (in the 'B' face)
  • no_leftbars: int (TYPE-PARAM)- number of reinforcing bars in the left and right faces of the column (in the 'D' face)
  • bar_diam: int (TYPE-PARAM)- diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement in mm. Must be a standard bar diameter
  • topbars_restrained: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- whether all of the bars in the top and bottom faces of the column are restrained by fitments. If False, it will be assumed that alternate bars are restrained.
  • leftbars_restrained: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- whether all of the bars in the left and right faces of the column are restrained by fitments. If False, it will be assumed that alternate bars are restrained.
  • shear_bar_size: int (TYPE-PARAM)- diameter of the fitments in mm. Must be a standard bar diameter
  • shear_bar_spacing: int (TYPE-PARAM)- spacing of the fitments in mm.
  • fsy: float (TYPE-PARAM)- yield strength of the reinforcing steel in MPa.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the column in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Point object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Point) - Sets the geometry of the column in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Point object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_axial_loads(include_FoS: Bool = False) - Returns a dictionary containing the calculated axial loads in the column. The returned dictionary will contain the following keys 'ULS', 'SLS', 'DEAD', 'LIVE', 'FIRE', 'PUNCHING', 'LEVEL_DEAD', 'LEVEL_LIVE', 'LEVEL_SLS' & 'LEVEL_ULS'.
  • optimise() - Optimise the size of the column using the current loads.
  • run_ULS_design_checks() - Perform design checks on the column.
  • run_fire_design_checks() - Perform fire checks on the column.
  • add_footing() - Adds a new pad footing below this column. This column must be the lowest column in its chain or an exception will be thrown. Returns a new pad_proxy object representing the new pad.

Class wall_proxy()

A class representing a wall within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • shear_throw: float - shear throw defined for this object.
  • include_in_tribs: bool - does this object have a tributary area?
  • thickness: int - thickness of the wall in mm
  • fc: float - characteristic strength of the wall concrete in MPa
  • fsy: float - yield strength of the reinforcing steel in MPa.
  • cover: int - cover to reinforcement in mm
  • allow_mesh: bool - is mesh reinforcing allowed?
  • single_side_fire: bool - is wall exposed to fire on a single side only
  • resolution: int - average distance between tributary area calculation points
  • k: float - effective length factor.
  • FRL: int - required FRL of the object in minutes. Must be 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 or 240 minutes.
  • eccentricity: float - eccentricity in load in mm
  • extra_dead_load: float - Additional dead load to be applied at this column in kN
  • extra_live_load: float - Additional live load to be applied at this column in kN
  • trib: shapely.geometry.Polygon (READ-ONLY) - A geometry representing the tributary area of this wall. A shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon object is also a valid tributary area and the polygons may have interior LinearRings defined.
  • chain_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the chain to which this wall belongs


The following parameters can be used to extract the results of load calculations and design operations. Results should be extracted immediately after performing the relevant calculation or design task as many operations within Tribli will cause design loadings and analysis results to be reset to zero. Similarly, design operations should be conducted immediately following load calculation to avoid the risk of the load results being zeroed out prior to design.

  • utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - structural utilisation of the wall. Only available after the wall has been design checked.
  • fire_utilisation: str (READ-ONLY) - description of the results of the fire check. Only available after fire check has been completed.
  • fire_ok: bool (READ-ONLY) - whether the wall passed fire checks. Only available after fire check has been completed.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the wall in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Sets the geometry of the wall in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.LineString object defined be exactly 2 coordinates.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_axial_loads(include_FoS: Bool = False) - Returns a dictionary containing the calculated axial loads in the wall. The returned dictionary will contain the following keys 'ULS', 'SLS', 'DEAD', 'LIVE', 'FIRE', 'PUNCHING', 'LEVEL_DEAD', 'LEVEL_LIVE', 'LEVEL_SLS' & 'LEVEL_ULS'.
  • optimise() - Optimise the thickness of the wall using the current loads.
  • run_ULS_design_checks() - Perform design checks on the wall.
  • run_fire_design_checks() - Perform fire checks on the wall.
  • add_footing() - Adds a new strip footing below this wall. This wall must be the lowest wall in its chain or an exception will be thrown. Returns a new strip_proxy object representing the new strip footing.

Class pad_proxy()

A class representing a pad footing within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • bearing: int - geotechnical bearing capacity of the soil beneath the pad in kPa
  • angle: float - rotation of the pad footings about its vertical axis in degrees.
  • exposure: str - concrete exposure class. Must be "A1","A2","B1","B2","C1" or "C2".
  • chain_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the chain to which this pad belongs
  • type_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the type defined for this pad, otherwise "Custom" if no type is defined


The following parameters can be used to extract the results of load calculations and design operations. Results should be extracted immediately after performing the relevant calculation or design task as many operations within Tribli will cause design loadings and analysis results to be reset to zero. Similarly, design operations should be conducted immediately following load calculation to avoid the risk of the load results being zeroed out prior to design.

  • bearing_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - geotechnical utilisation of the soil below the pad footing. Only available after a footing analysis has been completed.
  • structural_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - structural utilisation of the pad footing. Only available after a footing analysis has been completed.

Type Parameters

The following parameters can only be modified if the pad has no type defined. An exception will be thrown if attempting to modify type parameters of a typed pad.

  • L: int (TYPE-PARAM)- Length of the pad in mm
  • W: int (TYPE-PARAM)- Width of the pad in mm
  • D: int (TYPE-PARAM)- Depth of the pad in mm
  • fc: float (TYPE-PARAM)- characteristic strength of the pad concrete in MPa
  • fy: float (TYPE-PARAM)- yield strength of the reinforcing steel in MPa.
  • L_bar_diam: int (TYPE-PARAM)- diameter of the bottom reinforcement parallel to the L dimension in mm. Must be a standard bar diameter
  • L_bar_spacing: int (TYPE-PARAM)- spacing of bars parallel to the L dimension in mm
  • W_bar_diam: int (TYPE-PARAM)- diameter of the bottom reinforcement parallel to the W dimension in mm. Must be a standard bar diameter
  • W_bar_spacing: int (TYPE-PARAM)- spacing of bars parallel to the W dimension in mm
  • cover: int (TYPE-PARAM)- cover to reinforcement in mm
  • L_bars_first: bool (TYPE-PARAM)- are bars parallel to the L dimension laid first (bottom layer)
  • target_aspect: float (TYPE-PARAM)- target L/W ratio for pad optimisation


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the pad in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Point object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_axial_loads(include_FoS: Bool = False) - Returns a dictionary containing the calculated axial loads in the column supported by the pad. The returned dictionary will contain the following keys 'ULS', 'SLS'.
  • optimise() - Optimise the size and reinforcement of the pad using the current loads.
  • design_reinforcement() - Optimise the reinforcement of the pad.
  • run_design_checks() - Perform design checks on the pad.

Class strip_proxy()

A class representing a strip footing within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • chain_name: str (READ-ONLY) - name of the chain to which this footing belongs
  • W: int - Width of the strip in mm
  • D: int - Depth of the strip in mm
  • fc: float - characteristic strength of the strip concrete in MPa
  • fy: float - yield strength of the reinforcing steel in MPa.
  • main_bar_diam: int - diameter of the transverse bottom reinforcement in mm. Must be a standard bar diameter
  • main_bar_spacing: int - spacing of the transverse bottom reinforcement in mm
  • cover: int - cover to reinforcement in mm
  • exposure: str - concrete exposure class. Must be "A1","A2","B1","B2","C1" or "C2".
  • bearing: int - geotechnical bearing capacity of the soil beneath the footing in kPa


The following parameters can be used to extract the results of load calculations and design operations. Results should be extracted immediately after performing the relevant calculation or design task as many operations within Tribli will cause design loadings and analysis results to be reset to zero. Similarly, design operations should be conducted immediately following load calculation to avoid the risk of the load results being zeroed out prior to design.

  • bearing_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - geotechnical utilisation of the soil below the pad footing. Only available after a footing analysis has been completed.
  • structural_utilisation: float (READ-ONLY) - structural utilisation of the pad footing. Only available after a footing analysis has been completed.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the geometry of the strip in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_axial_loads(include_FoS: Bool = False) - Returns a dictionary containing the calculated axial loads in the wall supported by the strip footing. The returned dictionary will contain the following keys 'ULS', 'SLS'. Loads are returned in kN/m.
  • optimise() - Optimise the size and reinforcement of the footing using the current loads.
  • design_reinforcement() - Optimise the reinforcement of the footing.
  • run_design_checks() - Perform design checks on the footing.

Class raft_proxy()

A class representing a raft footing within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • bearing: int - geotechnical bearing capacity of the soil beneath the raft in kPa
  • thickness: int - thickness of the raft in mm
  • fc: float - characteristic strength of the raft concrete in MPa
  • axis_distance: int - axis distance in mm from the bottom of the raft to the centreline of the bottom layer of reinforcement
  • subgrade_modulus: float - the subgrade modulus (spring stiffness) of the soil beneath the raft in kPa/m
  • crack_factor: float - factor applied to the bending stiffness of the raft during the finite element analysis
  • mesh_size: int - target mesh size to use during the finite element analysis in mm


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the raft in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Sets the geometry of the raft in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.

Class slab_proxy()

A class representing a slab area within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • thickness: int - The thickness of the slab in mm.
  • fc: float - Characteristic strength of the slab concrete in MPa
  • prestress: float - The pre-compression in the slab in MPa. Zero for RC slabs.
  • surface_offset: int - Offset (in mm) of the slab surface from the RL of the level to which the slab belongs.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object. The polygon should not have any interior LinearRings.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.

Class void_proxy()

A class representing a slab void area within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object. The polygon should not have any interior LinearRings.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.

Class area_load_proxy()

A class representing an area load within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • label: str - The text label assigned to this load
  • dead: float - The dead load component of the load in kPa.
  • r_live: float - The reducible live load component of the load in kPa.
  • ur_live: float - The unreducible live load component of the load in kPa.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object. The polygon should not have any interior LinearRings.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.

Class line_load_proxy()

A class representing a line load within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • label: str - The text label assigned to this load
  • dead: float - The dead load component of the load in kN/m.
  • ur_live: float - The live load component of the load in kN/m.
  • is_wall: bool - Whether the line load represents a wall. Only used when exporting loads to rundown spreadsheets.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.

Class transfer_plate_proxy()

A class representing a transfer plate within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • crack_factor: float - The stiffness reduction factor applied to the slab when calculating transfer ratios.
  • thickness: int - The thickness of the transfer element in mm.
  • hasmass: bool - Whether the mass (dead load) of the transfer plate should be added to the load rundown calculations.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.Polygon) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.Polygon object. The polygon should not have any interior LinearRings.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_transfer_definitions() - Returns a list of the transfer definitions defined at this transfer element. The list is returned as a list of tuples with the form ('element under', 'element over', 'transfer ratio'), where 'element under' and 'element over' are column_proxy or wall_proxy objects representing the supporting and supported elements respectively. 'transfer ratio' is a float value typically between -1 and 1 representing the proportion of the load from the element over that gets transferred to the element under.
  • set_transfer_definitions(transfers: list) - Sets the transfer definitions for this transfer object. The provided list shall be in the same format as that returned by the get_transfer_definitions method as described above.

Class transfer_beam_proxy()

A class representing a transfer beam within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • crack_factor: float - The stiffness reduction factor applied to the slab when calculating transfer ratios.
  • hasmass: bool - Whether the mass (dead load) of the transfer beam should be added to the load rundown calculations.
  • depth: int - The depth of the transfer beam in mm.
  • width: int - The width of the transfer beam in mm.
  • fc: float - Characteristic strength of the transfer beam concrete in MPa
  • include_sw: bool - Whether to include the self-weight of the beam in the transfer beam internal actions (moment, shear & deflection) calculations.
  • addl_dead: float - The additional dead load in kN/m to include in the transfer beam internal actions (moment, shear & deflection) calculations.
  • addl_live: float - The additional live load in kN/m to include in the transfer beam internal actions (moment, shear & deflection) calculations.


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.LineString object defined be exactly 2 coordinates.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.
  • get_transfer_definitions() - Returns a list of the transfer definitions defined at this transfer element. The list is returned as a list of tuples with the form ('element under', 'element over', 'transfer ratio'), where 'element under' and 'element over' are column_proxy or wall_proxy objects representing the supporting and supported elements respectively. 'transfer ratio' is a float value typically between -1 and 1 representing the proportion of the load from the element over that gets transferred to the element under.
  • set_transfer_definitions(transfers: list) - Sets the transfer definitions for this transfer object. The provided list shall be in the same format as that returned by the get_transfer_definitions method as described above.

Class tribline_proxy()

A class representing a tribline within the Tribli model.


  • level: level_proxy (READ-ONLY) - The level to which this object belongs.
  • resolution: int - average distance between tributary area calculation points


  • get_geom() - Returns the geometry representing the location of the object in 2D space. The geometry is returned as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • set_geom(geom: shapely.geometry.LineString) - Sets the geometry of the object in 2D space. The geometry should be provided as a shapely.geometry.LineString object.
  • remove() - Remove the object from the level and from the model.